One of the wonderful by-products of high self-esteem is that you become a “Peak Performer.” Every day you become more aware of your abilities and recognize that opportunities to stretch your capabilities are limitless. You desire change, growth, and challenge, and a healthy self-esteem provides the energy. Peak performers have more than goals, they have a vision of what their life will mean to themselves and others. Peak performers do not live in the future. Peak performers make sure each step taken in the present keeps them on the road toward their life goal.
Peak Performers Can Say:
- I am motivated and have a mission with realistic and measurable goals.
- I accept complete responsibility for everything I think, say, feel, and do.
- I look for the window of opportunity in every situation and know that I will learn from every
experience if I choose. - I always help others to do their best, and I encourage everyone to contribute something.
- I correct my course when I reach an obstacle. This way, when things go wrong, I am still
headed in the right direction. - I expect and appreciate change. It does not overwhelm me because I am prepared.
- I stand up for my own opinions and values and respect others.
- I am able to manage myself. I do not require instruction every step of the way.
- I am not afraid of making mistakes or of taking reasonable risks.
- I am my own coach. I engage in positive self-talk and rehearsal.
- I am a life-long student. I am always ready to learn, and I know growth takes sustained
effort. - I know myself well and still expect to find hidden talents, resources, strengths, weaknesses,
energy, and interests. - I respect reality both pleasant and painful.
- I engage in self-confrontation and do not blame others.
- I readily forgive others and myself and correct mistakes when possible.
- I am patient, kind, gentle, and compassionate with myself.
- I have no need to prove I am better or worse