Rank Testing: Getting Ready to Show Off Your Skills

The rank test is the means in which you advance at the Academy. It is a test of your knowledge, skill, and over-all conditioning. It is also the time to show off what all of your hard work and dedication has developed.BJJ Belt Testing

Your test is broken into two broad areas: the monthly Test and the Rank Test. The monthly Test is a chance for you to get to demonstrate the techniques, drills, and training methods you have worked on for the past several months and have an instructor one-on-one to show you how to do them better. During the monthly Test you will also be given pointers and tips on how you can better prepare for your rank test.

The monthly test is also the time your instructor will see if you are 100% ready to test for a new rank. Not everyone earns enough grade points to rank Test. If your instructor feels you should wait a month to cleanup or learn some of the required techniques or skills, then take advantage of that extra month to improve and work the new things you’ve just learned. If you earn the required grade points  you now will have several weeks to work your skills and condition yourself for the Rank Test. The Rank Test is the time to show off your new skills. It is also a test of your overall physical and mental conditioning.

The Rank Test is the time to demonstrate your ability to perform your techniques in a training format; primarily, the Thai Pads. You will be showing your ability to hit the pads AND hold the pads. It is a test of your ability to train the techniques required for your new rank. The Rank Test is also an intense test of your conditioning.  You will be stressed, get tired, and know that you definitely earned your next rank.

Getting Ready

1. Know your required techniques. If you don’t know them, ASK. Your instructors are here to teach you what you need and want to know.

2. Know the Thai pad drills, and how to hold the pads for the drills and techniques during the month you are testing for the next rank.

3. Be in condition. You have to train for your Rank Test (it will be tough).

4. Take advantage of open training times. Train on the bags or with a partner. Doing this will improve your skill dramatically.

5. Get private instruction from an instructor of your choice to work on exactly what you need to.

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