The best way out is always through.”
― Robert Frost
For as long as I can remember I have been about the struggle. When it came to training and pushing myself I didn’t think of it as a struggle. I find meaning in struggle and hard work. Without a doubt there were many days when it was tough. A battle as much with myself as with the hard training we were doing. Through athletics and martial arts I have developed a mentality that enabled me to continue to push myself and be persistent. The habit of sticking with something until it is complete. Being persistent has enabled me to get through most everything that has ever been thrown at me. As martial artists, we are fighters, combat athletes and by our very nature… is to be persistent.
I am not sure what made me want to be an athlete and a martial artist , but I have figured out a few ‘hacks’ along the way. Just so you know, I feel that hard work and persistence are two of the biggest ‘hacks’ to reaching your potential. That being said, here are a few ways you can become more persistent in your life.
- When taking on anything the number one thing is, never stop attacking it. Whether it is a task that needs to get done, a goal you want to achieve or a problem that you have to deal with, have the attack mentality. Even if you are regrouping, trying to figure out the next best way to go, it is with an attack mentality. The task isn’t going to take care of itself. Real goals will keep nagging you. Problems are not going to go away…you have to attack them until they are taken care of.
- My motto has always been, “It’s always too soon to quit.” Never Give Up the Fight! If something is important to you, if it needs to get done, or if others are counting on you, you can’t quit, you can’t give up, sorry that is not an option. No matter how hard something is you have to figure out a way to finish. Hey, no one said it had to be perfect and pretty, but if you start something, finish it. One of the statements I have used is, “Better never begin, once begun, better finish.” Bottom line, if I didn’t want to do something that I didn’t need to do, I didn’t start. However, if I started something that I had to do, said I’d do, or wanted to do, I would not stop until it was done. That mentality has served me well, both in making decisions on what I am willing to do and following through on what needs to get done.
- Do not let circumstances defeat you. Life happens to everyone We are all going to experience good and bad times, health and sickness, happiness and sadness, good luck and bad luck. We are all going to have circumstances that are going to have the ability to derail you, but do not allow them to defeat you. I look at everything as a part of life, even accidents and tragedies. I have had my fair share of accidents, failures, injuries, illness, losses, personal tragedies, even life threatening cancers. But, we are martial artists, fighters, warriors and ready and willing
to take on what life decides to throw at us. When it happens I will take it on, never stop attacking and Never Give Up the Fight!
It is not going to be easy, worthwhile things never are. You are going to have to be persistent…especially with yourself! Once you begin to build routines and positive habits in your life you will find your ability to be persistent grow. Once you know what you have to do and what you want to do, then you have to knuckle up and do it. As Robert Frost stated, “The best way out is always through.” You are a fighter, a combat athlete, a martial artist, you attack, you never quit or give up, and you won’t be defeated by the circumstances of our life. Be persistent and stand your ground!
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