Archives for January 2020

Obey The Laws Of Nature

There are Laws of Nature that govern all of us. The more you understand and follow these natural laws the more successful you will be. When I was in 8th grade, I decided I wanted to be a better athlete and student. So, I started to do extra training outside of practice. It was nothing crazy at first, just getting up before school and running 3 miles, doing push ups, sit ups and stretching. The training was not the difficult part: having the discipline to get up day after day was the battle.

Eventually, the routine became a normal part of my life. I knew what I wanted: to be a better gymnast and wrestler. I wanted it bad. Once I acknowledged what I really wanted, I knew getting up and doing extra work was essential. Doing more work and doing it everyday was what all great athletes did. If great athletes did it, I was going to do it too. I started to understand that there were common denominators that all top athletes and students followed. Only later did I find out about how this was part of the Laws of Nature.

The Law of Action

The first ‘Law of Nature’ is pretty simple: you need to take action towards what you want in order to get it. It is often doing the simple things that make the biggest influence in our lives. We have to do a few simple things consistently to see improvement. When I got up 40 minutes earlier, I started to see improvement. That motivated me to stay after practice and do a few extra reps. Overtime, the numbers went up. I started to do the same thing with my school work and my grades went up! Do you really want to be better at something? Do you want to be in better shape? Do you want to look more fit? Do you want to get that promotion? Do you want to….? Once you know what you want you must follow the Law of Action…. ACT NOW! Start simple and small, do something extra to be better at what you want and make it consistent. Little by little, a little becomes a lot!

The Law of Cause and Effect

The Law of Cause and Effect simply says that things don’t just happen coincidentally. Everything happens in your life for a reason, no matter if you see how or why it happened. The Law of Cause and Effect can also be related to the concept of ‘you reap what you sow’, ‘what goes around comes around’…karma…whatever you want to call it, you get what you give. The more I started to create training routines in my life, the better athlete I became. The more I studied and asked for help with things I didn’t get, the better my grades became. I am sure in your own life there are plenty of examples you can find where you see the Law of Cause and Effect. Now, this works both ways, positively and negatively. If you have things happening that you do not want to happen, you have to find the ‘cause’ and start to replace it with an ‘action’ that will change it. Look at your life right now and be honest, are there areas that are working well? Are there areas that are not going the way you want? Now look for the root cause. What are you doing that is causing it to either be good or less than you want. Once you find the cause you have to go back to the Law of Action and get busy doing something that is going to change for the better what you want to change. Take charge of your life one simple small act at a time.