Archives for September 24, 2014

Coaches Corner: The Character of Integrity

Integrity is a slowly disappearing quality in people today. Personal standards of truth and honesty are crumbling in a world fixed on personal pleasure, quick fixes, shortcuts to success, and outward appearance over inner strength. Acts of blatant dishonesty will be overlooked, and said to be unimportant to a person’s ability to do the job. However, most people will say they respect and look up to people of integrity. This duplicity speaks volumes to the lack of integrity in our society.

Integrity_Blog_IMG2integrityA person with integrity is not divided, they stand their ground on what they believe is right and wrong. People of integrity are not afraid to take a stand and speak up for what is right. More importantly, they live what they believe is right. Integrity is not what we do so much as who we are. Inversely, who we are will determine what we do. Integrity becomes so much a part of your character that we cannot separate it from ourselves.

Character represents the sum total of a personality-what one is, what one has done and will do. It reflects itself in actions. Great character has no facades. People of integrity have nothing to hide and nothing to fear, their integrity protects them. Their lives are open books, which read of honesty, respect, true humility, and an inner faith.

Everyone faces conflicting desires. No one, no matter how “spiritual,” can avoid this battle. At some time you will be wrestling with a great temptation. Integrity is the factor that determines the outcomes of your battles. We battle daily with situations that will make us decide between what we want to do and what we ought to do. Integrity established the foundation for our decisions. It determines who we are and how we will make our choices before our battles even begin. The Greek philosopher Aristotle said, “Character (integrity) is that which reveals moral purpose, exposing the class of things a man chooses or avoids.” Integrity binds what we say, think and do into a person so that they will do nothing that will shake their foundation and destroy their credibility.

Integrity is a rare quality in people. It is a result of self-discipline, inner trust, and a decision to be totally honest in all situations in our lives. If you are honest with yourself and can look in the mirror and believe that you have given 100 percent, you should feel proud. If you cannot, then there is more work to be done. The truth is that the task and work is endless and the desire to reach the 100% level will always push you to greater heights. Be honest and work hard to get and be what you want. Don’t take shortcuts; you only cheat yourself in the long run. Dare to be different, be a person of integrity.

“Integrity is not what we do as much as who we are. Image is what people think we are. Integrity is what we really are. Integrity is a hard won achievement.”