Archives for December 13, 2013

Coach’s Corner: 13 Creative Ways To Get Cardio

IMG_7288Hey Team! With winter here it can be tough to fit in the cardio our bodies need because honestly, we don’t want to spend any more time outside than we have to and we don’t want to be cooped up in the gym all the time. Here are 13 ways to get your cardio in:

1. Master the stairs.

If you work in a building that has stairs, always opt for taking the stairs rather than the elevator. You’ll get your heart pumping and the calories burning!

2. Walk and talk.

Instead of meeting your girlfriend at a coffee shop, meet for a walk to talk and catch up. This is a great way to catch up and get some cardio in. Just make sure you’re walking at a decent pace!

3. Do a little dance.

Every time your phone rings do a little dance or do a couple squats after you get off the phone. A few minutes of movement is better than none!

4. Stay hydrated.

Make trips to get water. Staying hydrated is not only important for your health, its great for your skin and will get you out of your seat!

5. No more lazy layovers.

Got a long layover? Take a few laps around the terminal. Taking the rolling walkways doesn’t count.

6. Bike or walk to work.

For those of you who like to be extreme, consider biking or walking to work (depending on how far away you live from your work, of course).

7. Chores galore.

Cleaning may not be your favorite thing to do, but it burns calories. Vacuuming for an hour can burn roughly 75 calories! And who doesn’t want a clean house?

8. Park on the edge.

Instead of looking for that rockstar parking spot at the front of the lot, nearest the door – park at the end of the lot. This may not seem like a fun idea in the winter but your body will thank you for it!

9. Grocery laps.

Before you start grocery shopping, take a few laps around the store with your cart. Have a plan about what you’re going to buy first, make a list (if you don’t already have one) and then start shopping.

10. Take to the dance floor!

Winter is a hard time to want to get out and do things, but make an effort to take a dance class or two. Changing things up in your routine, will help kick boredom in the butt.

11. Shopping is cardio.

With the holidays in full swing you probably don’t have all your shopping done. A 2 hour shopping run can burn up to 350 calories.

12. Active date night.

Instead of opting for a movie on the couch, opt for a more active date night like a dance class, a yoga class, or something totally different! The sky is the limit!

13. Let the games begin!

Got a Wii or Kinect? Pop in a game that gets you moving. It’ll be fun for you and your family!

These are just suggestions, but you get the picture. Spend a little time brainstorming activities that you don’t typically do that might be good ways to move your body and burn some calories. The more active and consistent you stay through the winter months, the easier it will be to get that beach body ready for summer!

The key to staying in shape during the winter is simply to stay consistent and have a plan. Without a game plan to stick to, it’s really easy to fall off the wagon. So if you haven’t made your weekly plan for this week, do it now! You don’t need to plan month’s worth of plans, just plan it a week in advance. Get into the habit of writing your plans every Saturday or Sunday. Remember, if you need any suggestions or help – be sure to talk to your Coach! We’re always happy to help!