What is Meaningful to You?

minnesota thai boxingPeople that are at the top of their game, whatever it is, know what is meaningful in their life.  Meaning is a powerful driving force but, how do you know what you find meaningful when asked. High performers worldwide were asked some basic questions about what living the most meaningful life means to them. They were  asked, “what do you find meaningful to you when you have two options put before you?” Now when you have two bad options you can choose neither.  When you have one good option and one bad option, simply choose the good one. Yet, when you have two good options or opportunities put before you, how do you know which one is going to be best?  High Performers choose the one that is going to be most meaningful. So how do they choose what is the better more meaningful option/opportunity?

First, it was found that meaning is closely associated with enthusiasm. Simply put, which choice excites them the most. Which choice would they want to spend the most time doing for the longest time. Which one would they talk about the most, geek out about, they wake up thinking about and wanting to do it. Second, there was a deeper level of connection. They found it to be something that was right to them. It had greater depth and/or they found a better connection to the people associated with one option and found deeper relationships. Third, they find more satisfaction by doing one over the other. They feel that they will be more fulfilled, more satisfied at end the of the day. Which would make them feel more proud, or engage  them more helping them grow. Which would require them to give more of themselves to the process and give them a real sense of personal satisfaction.  When I was battling cancer and unsure whether I was going to live. I did a lot of thinking about what I did. Was I satisfied with my life? Did I have any regrets? What would I do different? Was I completely engaged? Did I give back to others? Did my life have meaning? Personal satisfaction is a huge thing and high performers find themselves asking, am I satisfied with what I’m doing? If not they either change their approach or change what they’re doing. Lastly, is there coherence or does it fit with your overall life story. Does what you choose to do make sense in the broader story of your life. Does what you have in front of you bring you closer to where you want to be?  There is a feeling of alignment, do you feel you are going in the right direction…

Here is a simple question you can ask yourself to help find more meaning and be more intentional in your life:

  1. How can I make what I’m doing more meaningful to me? Take some time and focus on the opportunities in front of you.  In the end you will be happier. You will do better and find so much more meaning if you are enthusiastic. You will find connection and satisfaction, and feel a sense of coherence in what you’re doing.



Who doesn’t want a high level of energy, happiness, and joy. Who doesn’t want to be more alert, engaged, fully present and alive? We all do! Energy and vitality, health and well being are all at the top of my life goals. Having more energy alone will make you more optimistic and positive: you are going to be more patient, productive, and more happy person. More energy benefits everyone in your life, because it is such an important part of being the best that you can be. I am going to have a series of articles breaking down some of the best physiological practices used by the highest performing people in the world.

Taking care of yourself should be your highest priority. Being a lifelong athlete and martial artist fitness has been a huge part of my life. In the last few years I have dedicated myself to increasing the fitness of my brain, body and breathing. In each article I am going to focus on one best practice for your Brain, Body and Breathing.

The brain is your body’s priority and requires a lot of energy to run the body. oOne of the most important things we can do is sleep 7+ hours a night. There is tons of research on the importance of sleep. Here’s what I did to sleep 7+ hours, increase my energy, focus and productivity.

  • I started going to sleep 30 – 50 minutes earlier. Over time adding 3 hours more sleep.
  • My room is completely blacked out. Blackout curtains and all light sources covered or removed. I also have a nice padded eye mask. Any light seems to wake me, so I take no chances.
  • I do not look at any screen 50 minutes before I go to bed. No phones, computers or TV. Instead I will read or listen to fiction, write and/or listen to relaxing music.
  • I lowered the temperature of my house to 67 degrees.
  • I try not to eat 3 hours before I go to bed.
  • I go to bed and wake up at the same time as much as possible. I haven’t heard my alarm in my house in a long time.
  • I do not drink coffee or any caffeinated drink after 2 pm. Caffeine has a half life of 8 hours and I do not need any caffeine after my morning mushroom coffee.

Regarding our body, we need to make sure we drink a lot of water all throughout the day. You should drink clean water immediately after you wake up. You usually haven’t had any water for 7+ hours so it is necessary to drink when you wake up. Throughout the day it is important to drink at least every hour. If you sweat a lot you have to replace that water and continue to drink every hour. , I do not drink sodas only kombucha or vinegar drinks besides water. Most people do not drink enough water, so…drink a lot more water.

Breathing is often taken for granted. When we sleep we breathe deeply yet, when we are awake most people do not breathe as well. One of the easiest ways to get a jolt of energy that will pick you up is to bounce and breathe. Close your eyes, make a light bounce up and down in place, like you are doing basic footwork, and breathe. You should inhale completely and exhale audibly.

All of these ideas are connected. As we investigate more best high performing practices. You will find that you too will start to increase your energy, focus, health, happiness, productivity, & well being.

Bring up Your Energy

Without a doubt most people want to have more energy. They want to feel enthusiastic about things to come and excited about what they are doing. Drive, motivation, excitement, energy and total focus are all important to finding personal success. There are many videos, books, podcasts, seminars, and courses. Each giving you the information to be your best. Yet, it all starts with your physical health and vibrancy,  your mental attitude and emotional well-being. One of the most important ways to affect all the above is to focus on what is going to give you more ENERGY! Here are 6 simple ways to boost your energy by having great health and vitality. 

1. Get 7+ hours of sleep a night. I use to feel this was a joke. Now, as a habit I get 7 hours of sleep. Set a sleep schedule and stick to it. No screens 30-90 minutes before bed. Make sure there is no light anywhere in your room. Set your room temp at 65-69 degrees. Try not to eat 2-3 hours before bed. It took me about 4 months to sleep 7 hours a night

2. Drink 4-5 liters of water a day. The first thing you should do in the morning is drink a big glass of water. Stay hydrated throughout the day. Get a liter container and fill it up and drink it 4-5 times a day, or a 1 gallon jug full of water and drink it down.

3. 2-3 healthy meals a day. The one plate rule at each meal; only have one plate of food. For me I now eat 80% greens and 20% meat and carbs. Of course this is an individual thing. But, if you are serious about your diet, go see a nutritionist. Get a blood and saliva check and see what you allergic to, deficient in and recommendations for you.

4. 5-6 workouts a week. Having a consistent Martial Arts class schedule will take care of 3-4 of those workouts. You should do some kind of strength training, endurance work and mobility training on top of that.

5. Meditate 1-2 times a day. Meditation does not have to be any specific kind but, find something that works for you. There are apps such as Headspace that you can get to help calm down your brain and release tension.

6. While working take a break every 50 minutes. Step away from your desk and rejuvenate yourself.  Such as getting water, doing some light exercise, deep breathing, take a short walk. Anything that will allow you to refocus and regenerate, to invest some energy into the next 50 minutes of work. I have started focusing on these 6 ways to generate more energy. I have increased my health and well-being. I have increased my physical, mental and emotional vibrancy. Start making these 6 areas a habit. You will have more enthusiasm for upcoming tasks.  You will have more motivation and increase your health and energy.

Opera Non Verba, Deeds Not Words…..Just Do It!

Coaches Corner: Diet & Nutrition


Hey Team! Now that you have the knowledge and tools to set goals and stay accountable to achieving those goals, it’s time to discuss nutrition and weight management. Eating a healthy diet is essential to your training whether your goal is to become a fighter or to simply lose weight and get in shape. Just because you’re training on a regular basis doesn’t mean you can eat pizza every night, more about this is discussed on page 2, so hang tight! Remember, there is no one way to lose weight. It’s easy to get discouraged when it comes to dieting and nutrition. Everyone’s body is different. You have to try multiple strategies to find out what works best for you.

1. Portion control

This is one of the most important tools to be aware of at all times. If you’re consuming large portions of food, but not burning all the calories, your body will store the excess calories as fat. Try to eat 5-6 small meals throughout the day instead of 2-3 large meals, which will cause your energy levels to fluctuate too much. Eating small meals frequently will train your body to not feel hungry, and maintain steady blood sugar levels. Also avoid high calorie drinks like soda, high-sugar juices, and alcohol. Stay away from anything that contains high fructose corn syrup at all costs!

2. Control emotional eating

One common downfall people are met with is overeating when they’re stressed or tired. Instead of reaching for the potato chips at night, have a few baby carrots or an apple. Fruits and veggies contain lots of water and fiber, which help you feel full without adding extra calories. Additionally, fruits and veggies contain important vitamins and minerals that your body needs to repair and nourish itself. Training on a regular basis should help with managing your stress levels but properly refueling your body will help take care of fatigue and low energy.

3. Shop at the outer edges of the grocery store.

By shopping at the outer edges of the grocery store, you will find more fruits and veggies filling your cart. The foods you buy in the aisles typically have a shelf life of a few years, and that’s never a good sign. Because fresh food goes bad sooner, don’t buy in bulk. Buy what you need for a few days, and then head back to the grocery store and restock. If you’re thinking, “I don’t have time to go to the grocery store 3 times a week” then try to buy foods that last for about a week, such as carrots, apples, oranges, single serving yogurts, string cheese, and cottage cheese. If you want more detailed information check out the book Food Rules by Michael Pollen.

4. Start preparing your meals and cutting out pre-packaged, and processed foods.

Microwaveable lunches and dinners like Lean Cuisine are tempting because they’re fast and easy, but they contain lots of preservatives and are usually high in sodium. Try to eat foods that don’t come out of a box or need to be microwaved. Even though it’s more work, get in the habit of preparing your meals with real foods. For example, making a sandwich for lunch with whole grain bread, lettuce, a slice of turkey breast, and some cucumbers, is going to be way more nutritious that an instant, prepackaged meal.
Remember, if you have any questions or want more information about diet and nutrition talk to your coach. Never forget that we are here to help you!