The Evolution Of Combat Sports

Talking about how the different combat martial arts, such as Thai Boxing, have developed as sports especially in the United States


What Is Hard Work

Tkickboxing-minneapolis-minnesotahere can be different interpretations of what hard work is.  First, who’s asking? A professional or former college athlete? A high school athlete that hasn’t done much for 10 years? A person who has never done sports but has excelled in academics?  Is it me asking as a man in his 50’s that at one time pushed my limits on a daily basis? Bottom line, what hard work is for one person may seem crazy to another. Vince Lombardi said, “The dictionary is the only place success comes before work.  Hard work is the price we must all pay for success. I think we can accomplish anything if we are willing to pay the price.” You need to know what you want before you will be willing to work hard for it. Everyone has different goals in the martial arts; get in shape, relieve stress, build confidence, make friends and have fun, compete, become a champion….and everyone has a little of the above at varying levels.

Until you understand what hard work is and accept it as part of the process, you are likely not going to achieve your goals.  Being your best is about wanting it enough to do what is required and more. You have to be willing to pay the price of commitment, with consistency and discipline; you have to form new healthy habits if you are going to succeed in reaching your goals.  The key to reaching your own version of success means you have to accept what it will take. After that, you have to develop the habit of doing what you know you should and what is necessary. To be your best you must have the will to prepare to win the day.

“The dictionary is the only place success comes before work.  Hard work is the price we must all pay for success. I think we can accomplish anything if we are willing to pay the price.”


Most people think they have the will to be great at some level.  However, many do not acknowledge the price that must be paid. At the beginning levels the cost is minimal. You have to begin by creating some consistent training habits.  As you improve that price goes up. If you know why you are training, you will be willing to do the work. A martial artist knows that victories are won in the classroom and through training with consistency.  It is by making a choice to get up and get into The Academy to train on a consistent basis that little victories are won. Your body and mind become accustomed to your routine and you will eventually start to ask more of yourself.  By knowing why you want to train and then following through over time, you become ever closer to becoming that confident, disciplined and hardworking individual you have always dreamed you could be.

Opera Non Verba, Deeds Not Words…..Just Do It!

Martial Arts Goals As You Age

Listen to Coach Greg talk about how your goal for training can evolve over time as you get older




Bringing The Martial Arts Mentality To Everyday Life


Training With and Through Injuries with Greg Nelson

Coach Greg talking about how to and when you can train through an injury


Academy History – Learn Our Story – #1 Martial Arts in MN

Don’t Fear The Process

In junior high and high school I was a gymnast.  In the beginning you learn how to simply swing back and forth, learning how to use your body to create more and more momentum.

Once you become comfortable with swinging you then learn how to do a kip. This requires some technique and timing.  On the outside, it looks very simple. However, there are many little movements that must be coordinated and timed to complete the move.  Eventually, the goal is to kip up and cast as high as you can so as to let your body drop and allow your body to swing completely around the bar.  Of course, the bar is 9 feet off the ground and what looks so effortless from the outside, is not so easy.  No matter how many times you swing back and forth, at some point you are going to have cast as high as you can and let gravity work. Allowing the process to happen is always the toughest part. Why is it so tough to just let it happen -fear!
What ultimately allows a gymnast to allow their body to swing through the air around the bar is faith.  Eventually, you have to believe you are going to get all the way around.

We all get to that place when doing something for the first time where fear hangs out and you have to choose to move through it.

Most will never become a gymnast or have to swing entirely around a bar. But at some point you will have something in front of you, something new and scary, that you have to face and get over.  We all get to that place when doing something for the first time where fear hangs out and you have to choose to move through it.  Your first class, your first time sparring or rolling live, your first competition, the list goes on.…  Will you allow fear keep you from taking the next step? Will fear stop you from starting something new or will you have faith in the process, let yourself go and just have fun doing something totally new?

I can tell you I have done both. I have hesitated and even prevented myself from experiencing something new. On the other hand, I have ‘casted straight to handstand and let it rip.’ I have taken chances to do new things, meet new people, experience the curiosity and joy of being a complete beginner again.  What is it that prevents you from taking that swing?  Whenever you are at the cusp of doing something new and hesitate to jump, you must not let fear win.  Courage is not about the lack of fear; courage is about being afraid and doing it anyway.

Learning to trust the process will allow you to experience many things that will never be there if you allow fear to control you.  Learn to simply let go.  It’s something I wish I would have done it always throughout my life. Just like when I went for that first giant swing in gymnastics.  

Start doing those things you are putting off, that you may be afraid of, but will benefit your life….you’ll be happy you did.

Think And Grow Tough With Greg Nelson

Listen to Coach Greg talk about the importance of mental toughness and how it has impacted his own life

Team Academy Fight and Competition Results

MMA Results:

  • Nov. 10th King of the Cage – Black Bear Casino. Michael Jokondo lost by decision to Chris Collins
  • Nov. 11th Copa Combate 100k tournament – Cancun, Mexico. John Castaneda won his first 2 fights before losing in the finals
  • Nov. 12th – 18th IMMAF World Championships Tournament – Bahrain. Sean Stebbins won 3 fights to take home the bronze medal for the US
  • Nov. 22nd Victory FC – Waterloo, Iowa. Kazim Khan defeated Caleb Gall by split decision
  • Dec. 15th Legacy Fighting Championships – Mystic Lake Casino. Mike Richman lost to Jeffery Peterson by unanimous decision
  • Dec. 16th Victory Fighting Championships – Omaha, NE. Dan Moret defeated Alonzo Martinez by submission in the first round with a rear naked choke. Kazim Khan won his fight also. Defeating Jesse Rutherford by unanimous decision

BJJ Results:

  • Nov. 4th Grappling Industries – Blaine, MN Juanita, Jerry, Aneisha, Dylan, Noah, Jim, Tim, BJ, and Matt all represented The Academy well!
  • Dec. 3rd MNBJJF Winter Open – Irondale High School, New Brighton, MN. Team Academy took home several medals with Josh, Lad, Juanita, Alex, Zac, Lorenzo, Ryan, Jim, Aneisha, and Matt all performing well!

Clinch Crash Course One Minute Tip # 10